The average house price on LAKESIDE WALK is £171,879
The most expensive house in the street is 3 LAKESIDE WALK with an estimated value of £213,190
The cheapest house in the street is 6 LAKESIDE WALK with an estimated value of £137,270
The house which was most recently sold was 1 LAKESIDE WALK, this sold on 22 Feb 2022 for £136,000
The postcode for LAKESIDE WALK is LS19 6DL
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
1 LAKESIDE WALK Semi-Detached £143,678 £136,000 22 Feb 2022
2 LAKESIDE WALK Flats/Maisonettes £179,370 £102,000 6 Nov 2009
3 LAKESIDE WALK Terraced £213,190 £55,950 25 May 2000
4 LAKESIDE WALK Semi-Detached £190,455 £120,000 14 Mar 2008
5 LAKESIDE WALK Terraced £157,980 £145,000 19 Nov 2021
6 LAKESIDE WALK Terraced £137,270 £111,000 27 Apr 2020
7 LAKESIDE WALK Terraced £181,214 £115,950 2 Nov 2007